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I am Anuj Yadav,

A Diligent Electronics and Instrumentation Senior currently attending Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani. Aiming to leverage proven communication, problem solving, technical and creative thinking skills to successfully fill the required role at your company. Frequently praised as hardworking by my peers.

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Covid-19 Tracker

Made a Covid-19 Tracker using React JS. Used firebase for deploying. Used disease.sh for fetching the data. Used Chart JS for forming the charts. Made the platform responsive.

  • React
  • Firebase
  • ChartJS
  • Material-UI

Word Hunt Dictionary

Made a fully responsive Dictionary App, called 'Word Hunt' using React JS and Material UI. Used Dictionary API for fetching the meanings, examples, pronunciation, and synonyms of the entered word. The app supports total of 12 languages including, English, Hindi, Spanish and many more. Installed Dark Mode in the App. Deployed the app using firebase.

  • React
  • Material-UI
  • Firebase

Whatcha' Watchin'?!

Made a Movies and TV Series Info App, using React JS (hooks, states, etc). Used Movie Database API for fetching the required data. Added the Genre filter to the fetched data. Added Search option where you can search movies of your choice. Used Material UI for styling the components. Used firebase for deploying. Made the platform completely responsive.

  • React
  • Firebase
  • Material-UI

Todo List

Made a simple Todo-List App using React JS. Used Firebase as the real time database and for deploying. Provided the styles using the styled components by writing my own styles

  • React
  • Firebase


I have worked with a range of technologies in the web development world. From Back-end to Design. And also I am very familiar with the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence world, and have worked upon different technologies regarding the same as well.

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    React.js, BootStrap, MaterialUI
    and Flutter

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node.js, MongoDB
    and Express

  • AI & ML

    Experience with
    Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic, Tensorflow
    and OpenCV

About Me

Hi! I am Anuj Yadav and I am currently pursuing B.E. in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, at Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani. I am also pursuing a minor in Data Science at my university. I have my interests in the Web Development and the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Domain. And I am always ready to learn new technlogies and implement them in making cool stuffs.

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Innovating one project at a time, always eager to learn new technologies.